Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Carrying Out My GAME Plan

Last week I selected and established two goals from the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS_T) in conjunction with my GAME plan for becoming more confident and proficient in using and incorporating technology into my classroom.
With regards to my first goal of designing and implementing a learning activity for each grade level incorporating a digital tool, I need to explore music apps for iPads.  I am specifically looking for composition and music notation apps, but would also like more knowledge on other music apps.  I have reached out to technology and music colleagues, asking them for their suggestions.  I have also spent time reviewing professional journals which have columns rating and suggesting apps in each issue.  I would also like to explore app recommendations on professional association websites.  I have searched the App Store on the iPad and downloaded some new music apps, so now I need to work with each of them to see how they could best be used to improve my students' learning experiences.  I also need to discuss with my principal the availability of any funds to purchase apps for the iPads.

My second goal is to participate in learning communities, or professional development, on a regular basis, gaining in my knowledge of ways in which technology can improve student learning.  Next week I will be attending a two-day conference, Innovate Create, through the Ohio State University.  This conference was recommended to me by my sister, who attended last year and thought many of the sessions would be beneficial in my desire to improve and strengthen my knowledge and use of technology in my classroom instruction. 
The goals have been set, and now progress is being made towards taking action on the goals. 
International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from


  1. Hi Julie,

    It sounds like you have made great strides in your GAME Plan goals. Good job locating new apps already. Were you able to locate any music apps that were free to download for the iPad? Of course, that would be the easiest place to start. Hopefully your principal will see the benefit of the music app purchases. Would it be easiest to start with requesting apps for one grade level or with a few that may work for several grade levels? Spending time exploring the apps will be beneficial, however, it can be somewhat time consuming. That is what I am finding with exploring various software programs on the computer.
    I hope your conference on Innovate Create is a great experience. Are you required to share the informed learned with colleagues? This would most likely benefit others as well. This sounds like an excellent experience.
    Congratulations on the progress you have made so far. Good luck with your new music apps implementation. I am sure your students will enjoy these as well as grow using them. Enjoy your time at the conference.

    Nice job!
    Michelle Maxwell

    1. Michelle,

      I always look for the free Apps first, of course! I was able to find several this week. My college age son was just helping me today with the process; he had me use a search engine with some key word phrases, thus teaching me another way to research information and reviews on apps rather than just using professional journals, colleague information and App Store information. I am hoping the composition apps can be used with multiple grade levels. I did not register for the conference through school; fortunately we are on Spring Break this week, so I am able to attend on my own time. I am hoping to find information to share with colleagues, and am very excited about that!!
      Thanks for the comments,

  2. Julie,
    I would like to provide an idea for funding the purchase of apps. Would it be possible to have a music night at your school? I was thinking you could have the students create original expressions using the apps that are available. Parents and community members could provide optional tips in one jar as a fundraiser. Students could showcase their talents which would hopefully promote parent interest and willingness to support music education as they see the work the students do through music. Another idea could be to have the music showcased at an academic night at school if the students are using music to show their content understanding. Hopefully, these ideas could be helpful in raising funds for music education which, I feel, is very crucial to the education of the students. In addition to raising money for apps, your professional learning community could be extended to the other content area teachers. For example, students could write on a music blog about musicians, or create documentaries or skits about the lives of musicians. Ming (2012) states that students can read about musicians and learn about the history of genres of music (p. 217). After this learning, students can showcase their learning through the literacies.
    Ming, K. (2012). 10 Content-Area Literacy Strategies for Art, Mathematics, Music, and Physical Education. Clearing House, 85(6), 213-220. doi:10.1080/00098655.2012.691568

    Ashley Davis

    1. Ashley,
      Thank you for the marvelous ideas! I love them! Currently, I do three music programs each year -- 1st Grade, 3rd Grade and 5th Grade, with the 5th grade being a musical, however your idea would be something to think about adding to the programs we already have, or making another night and showcasing the student products and growth, both in the area of music and content areas.
      Thank you for your comments about the value of music education; obviously, I agree, it's just so nice to hear it from someone outside of music education.
